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EzeeGo - Go Touchless device launched by a Pune based EzeeKonnect

EzeeKonnect, a Pune-based company has come up EzeeGo, an innovative, simple yet effective product that will help you in minimizing hand touching with many surfaces and places that you use on a daily basis.

This useful innovation (Go Touchless device) can help reduce infection spread through hands. COVID-19 has impacted the entire world. In a short span of time, the virus has resulted in many deaths and infections. 

This epidemic has shifted the focus on how humans can avoid touching surfaces, door handles, elevator buttons, ATM buttons and many other surfaces that people need to touch on a day to day basis. 

You can carry shopping bags, operate switches and buttons, and use ATMS and open doors without touching them using this single device.

EzeeKonnect is a five year established company that has also been involved in development of innovative educational products such as ‘EzeeKonnect - An Electronic Learning Kit'.

EzzeGo is very simple and innovative device to prevent Corona infection and Social Distancing, and it’s the first of its kind in India. This product is fully Made In India.  

EzzeGo can be attached to your vehicle's key chain or company i-Card, making it really handy and useful for you to carry it with you easily wherever you need to go.