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Vajro - a World-Class Mobile Shopping Experience with Live videos sales

Vajro, a next-generation Mobile App Development Platform which helps in expanding your reach and helping you to ace mobile conversions.

Would you like to know what it is? How it helps for mobile shopping? And more...? Read this article.

Vajro is a Mobile App Development Platform (MADP) with a specific focus on e-commerce. 

Live videos sales are the hottest and most engaging sales option today. With Vajro, customers can shop on live video sales that are streamed right from the mobile app, no other platforms are needed. 

This groundbreaking functionality is sure to be a game-changer for mobile conversions.

If you are a seller then you can boost Sales with a World-Class Mobile Shopping Experience.

No coding, just sales and a mobile app that dazzles your customers with live video streaming, your very own AI personal shopper and much more.

With enhanced image search, shoppers can simply click a photo of a product that strikes their fancy, and the app will do the rest. It’ll find the closest match and put it in their cart. 

Delight your shoppers, drive impulse sales and watch mobile sales soar with this convenient functionality. 

With Vajro, you can watch your customers get hooked on the stream of recommendations from their very own AI personal shopper.

Vajro basically helps e-commerce stores get their own iOS and Android apps. 

Get a 60 day free trial. No risk, and no credit card required. Visit Website: for more detail.