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How to change background color in blogger theme?

Would you like to know how to change the color in blogger theme for background? If yes, read this article and we have given the latest update against the old update on blogger platform editing html or customization.

Google's blogger platform comes with various features to create free blog or associate with custom domain. Many writers, journalists and bloggers are using the Google's blogger platform. Few themes are freely provided by Google as a default option beside. 

Google has also provided the option for custom theme adding there. So, there are huge benefits out of it.

If you are looking for anyone of these queries, like, how to change post background color in blogger, how to change blogger template, latest blogger customization, google blogger themes change setting, how to modify background color in blogger post, how to edit blogger template html, how to edit blogger theme, and, blogger background color change etc. then read futher this article to get an idea.

How to change color in blogger background?

1. Sign-in to your blogger

2. Click on 'Theme' option given at the left side.

3. Select 'Edit Html' option from 'Customize' drop drown shown in orange color there in the center-screen.

4. You will get 'html code' screen now.

5. Click anywhere on 'html code' without changing code and then press Ctrl+F for search by typing 'background' keyword. Remember, don't directly press Ctrl+F when you reach 'html code' screen just without clicking on html code itself for proper search.

6. You will find default color code or existing color code like #ffffff or similar one next to background keyword. You have to replace the desired code and save there. 

7. This website ( will give you a different color code option to replace in html code screen., use it effectively and save it. 

8. Check the blog or website after replacing the color code saved just. 

9. Keep an old color code by saving so that in case if you don't like the the just selected one then you can re-use the old color code therein itself.

You will get many idea as such to change few small things at html code screen without any risk. This is just a fun and better blog presentation as per your choice of customization.

Hope the above article helped you. Stay tuned for more update on this.