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Fitza App - Virtual nutrition coach to help COVID people

Fitza Private Limited has launched Fitza App - The first-ever intelligent virtual nutrition coach to help people during and post COVID-19 / pandemic.

Are you interested to know more about it? If yes, here you go. Fitza is a one-of-a-kind mobile app conceptualized to touch the lives of people through health and nutrition, leveraging on technology and it will also helpful for corona affected people. 

A human-centered, AI-powered application, Fitza is deeply rooted in delivering personalized and sustainable nutrition plans based on age-old practices, user likes and dislikes, grandma recipes and natural homemade remedies with proven outcomes and most importantly addressing immunity building. 

It adapts to your body type i.e. body prakriti and doshas and intelligently changes your meal plan to drive meaningful results.

In a nutshell, Fitza enables people with personalized guidance to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives, without making drastic changes in their lifestyle.

Fad diets, much like superfoods as well as a one size fits all approach rarely work and are,many a times, counter productive. Food is not medicine and Medicine will never be food. 

For a line of treatment to be sustainable and effective, the plan needs to be personalized and adaptive to your body type.

Based on the ancient science of the three doshas / forces - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, Fitza allows you to assess the state of your doshas and recommends the right nutrition to balance it.

This app is available on both Android (Play Store) and Apple (App Store) platforms, the app is a unique blend of ancient traditional knowledge and modern artificial intelligence.