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Few ways that Hackers Hack Your Website or Computer

This article is continuing to my earlier post on how do hacker hack the website or computer. Here you go for more detail on few ways that Hackers Hack Your Website or Computer.

Types of attack that hacker or cracker does:

DDOS attack – Distribute denial of service attack
Remote code execution attack
Cross site request forgery attack
Symlinking – an insider attack
Social Engineering attacks
DNS cache poisoning
Clickjacking attacks
Broken Authentication and Session Management attack
Cross site scripting attacks
Injection Attack

DDOS attack:
DDOS stands for Distribute denial of service attack, the cracker uses technique to take control of other's system so its owner can't use it for a while. The cracker control website or some function for their benefit.

Image courtesy: Fortune

Remote code execution attack:
A Remote Code Execution attack can be due to server side or client side security weaknesses. Due to such platform, there could be often attack through scripts, malware, and small command lines that extract information.

Cross site request forgery attack:
A Cross Site Request Forgery Attack usually happen when a user is logged in and a cracker uses the right time to send a forged HTTP request to collect their cookie information. Thus, they target the system and website or other precious info.

Symlinking – an insider attack:
A symlink is a special file that “target” a hard link from a mounted file system. A symlinking attack happens in such a way that the user or application that access the end point assume they’re accessing the right file when they’re really not.

Social Engineering attack:
It is not a hack or crack but it happens when you share personal detail in good faith, such as a credit card number, through common online communication such as chat, email, social media sites, or any website.

DNS cache poisoning attack:
DNS Cache Poisoning can happen from old cache data too which is “toxic”, and you might have forgot old cache which can be used by others to crack / hack the system or target. Its a kind of DNS Spoofing, hackers can identify various act from its history and trouble you.

Clickjacking attack:
It is also called a UI Redress Attack, the cracker uses many layers to trick a user into clicking the top layer without them knowing. The cracker (hacker) let you click the page which is not the actual one but they get success.

Broken Authentication and Session Management attack:
The broken Authentication attack in systems can happen due to weak passwords, weak session IDs, weak key management, and cookies that allow a hacker access to take control if they are valid.

Cross site scripting attack:
It is similar to an XSS attack, it happens when an application, URL “get request” to the web browser and bypassing the validation process. Once an XSS script is triggered, users believe that the page of a website is genuine.

Injection Attack:
It happens when there are flaws in OS (operating system) or main program files itself. The user not known about some files with hidden commands.