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Facebook, Twitter and YouTube social platforms and benefits

Most of them knows how to sign up Facebook, how to login FB and the other social platforms like twitter sign up and login etc. LinkedIn social platform is more related to professional individual or company purpose though it can be used as general one as well. 

All the basic things about how to sign up and how to login the reputed social websites are aware by most. They can even log-in and log-out it from the laptop or computer or smartphone or iPad etc. 

The next part is, they also know how to get the information from those platforms, including huge likes, share the content and promote self content or other's content etc.

Each platforms like Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn etc. has huge benefits to its users. The users can share the content worldwide due to online source. The interested and relevant viewers can visit the content whenever publishes. 

There are different option in different social platforms. Few platforms like Facebook runs with 'Chat' option that helps its users whereas other social platform have no such option but a different one when compare among.

Facebook: It comes with huge features compare to earlier days. This platform helps to individual, influencer, brand and enterprises. Each can use FB as per their requirement set by the FB platform. 

One of the best option here is, 'Chat' other than various business campaign features. You can create 'Group' as well. Another advantage of the platform is, we can upload larger size video as well, like news, fun and movies etc.

Twitter: This platform dominates too after vast changes five years ago. The number of users has increased. Daily huge content can be seen in Twitter. It has different features as well but no option of chat like in FB. 

However, you can communicate with whom you have contacts already. Few account has an open option that helps to communicate with them even without follows them. One of the best part of the platform is, it has 'verified' tag on the name for those who met their criteria set. Another pro is, we can upload short video or gif etc. here.

YouTube: This was once less known, it become popular due to video content. Google taken over it. It become again more popular when 2G connectivity also arrived and YouTube platform user number increased as huge. 

This is not only Video uploading platform, watching and sharing them etc. but we can add the text content under the each video as well.

There are potential features and benefits from these social platforms which many unaware except how to use them with few features. We will update those additional features', soon. 

Now you are aware the pros and cons of FB, twitter and YouTube platforms. Stay tuned, we will update more about these social platforms and others like Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn etc.